03 July 2010

Produce from the Farmer's Market

Saturday mornings in Springfield mean many things I love - sleeping in, multiple cups of coffee, garage sales, but most of all it means: the farmer's market. I ventured to it today with two goals: lettuce & eggs. Unfortunately, my late arrival (a pathetic 11:45am) meant no dice on the lettuce or the eggs. I did however walk away with all of these splendid things:

An onion, broccoli, zucchini, pattypan squash, and yellow squash. (And a big, delicious tomato which I indulged in too quickly for the photo).

Obviously you're wondering to yourself, "What is a pattypan squash?" ... or at least I assume you are, because I wondered the same thing. I asked the vendor and she said they taste alot like squash and because this one is small/young I can cook it in its skin (and eat the skin too I think). Here is what wikipedia says about the veggie. I'll let you know what else I learn about it and will be sure to document my first adventure cooking it! I love other squashes, so I have high hopes for this little guy! Have you ever had pattypan squash? Ever cooked it? Have a recipe recommendation?

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